Biomethane Day is becoming Green Gas Day for 2019. As usual it will be a great place to network and get up to date with what's happening in the biomethane sector, but it will also be looking beyond the horizon at other types of Green Gas...
Posted: 4 December, 2018
GGCS member Natural Capital Partners have published a customer friendly factsheet as part of their continuing efforts to raise awareness and understanding of the green gas market...
Posted: 18 July, 2018
Centrica plc’s Energy Marketing & Trading business has agreed to acquire a 50% stake in Barrow Green Gas (“BGG”), the UK’s largest biomethane supplier...
Posted: 29 June, 2018
Renewable Energy Association welcomes growing number of hauliers switching to biomethane fuel UK-produced green gas production forecast to soar to meet rising demand from British transport sector Biomethane 30%-40% cheaper than diesel fuels and has potential to reduce HGV GHG emissions by 70%...
Posted: 14 June, 2018
This event has been approved by BASIS and will provide BASIS CPD points...
Posted: 25 April, 2018
Bristol Energy, a gas and electricity supplier owned by Bristol City Council, has launched a new tariff offering its customers 100% renewable electricity and 15% green gas...
Posted: 18 April, 2018
Nottingham City Transport have introduced 53 new double decker buses powered by biomethane tracked by the Green Gas Certification Scheme. CO2 savings are estimated to by 84% in comparison to a EURO 6 diesel. They will also have a significantly lower impact on local air quality...
Posted: 27 March, 2018
We are pleased to be publishing our 2017 Annual Report detailing the progress of the Scheme over the last year. You can download the report below. We'd be happy to hear from you if you would like further details on anything contained within...
Posted: 5 March, 2018
Integrating Green Gas Into Your Renewable Energy Strategy View Webinar Here The market for green gas is developing fast and more than 1 terawatt hour of it has been consumed by businesses choosing to address their Scope 1 emissions with renewable power...
Posted: 16 February, 2018