Green Gas News

The latest news from GGCS

  • July 2024 Market Update

    Our July 2024 Market Update is now available (you can download the PDF file below)...

    Posted: 25 July, 2024

  • Scheme Rules Updated to Version 4

    The GGCS has updated its Scheme Rules to Version 4. A copy of which is available at the bottom of this news article. The have been uploaded to our website (here).If you are a current Scheme Participant, then please ensure you have read the rules and understood the obligations they place on you...

    Posted: 2 July, 2024

  • Reminder for matching RGGOs to the consumption of LNG

    A reminder that members who match RGGOs to the consumption of Liquefied Natural Gas should ensure they have read and understood GGCS Guidance Document 18 - matching RGGOs to the consumption of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)...

    Posted: 9 April, 2024

  • "Getting to Know the GGCS" video interview with Jesse Scharf

    Would you like to know more about the work of the Green Gas Certification Scheme (GGCS), how green gas is produced, and what is involved in tracking green gas?Watch this short interview with Jesse Scharf, Scheme Director, on “Getting to Know the GGCS” via the GGCS LinkedIn Page...

    Posted: 8 April, 2024

  • SBTi FAQ on market based reporting

    The SBTi have updated their FAQs related to market based reporting. In 2022 the FAQ's stated; The GHG Protocol does not allow for market-based approaches to scope 1, so the SBTi likewise does not recognize the use of "green gas" or biogas certificates to reduce scope 1 emissions...

    Posted: 25 March, 2024

  • GGCS Guidance Documents

    The GGCS publishes a range of guidance documents for its members on both operational and policy issues...

    Posted: 12 March, 2024

  • Workshop on Union Database for Biofuels

    For those interested and effected by the development of the Union Database for Biofuel's there is an essential workshop on April 11th. The Guarantee of Origin (GO) Prime Movers, comprising experts from Energy Traders Europe, Eurogas, EBA, GIE, ENTSOG, ERGAR and AIB, invite you to a public workshop on 11 April 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00 CET...

    Posted: 12 March, 2024

  • DENA Data Breach

    GGCS is aware of a data breach at DENA ( who operate the German biogasregister ( along with a variety of other schemes and projects. Information about the cyber attack in November 2023 is here https://www.dena...

    Posted: 1 March, 2024

  • Guidance from DENA on uses of imported biomethane (updated)

    Follow the link to access guidance from DENA on the use cases for bio-methane imported into Germany - Possible uses of biomethane quantities and certificates – BiogasregisterThis guidance was explored in detail during an recent ERGaR training session - if you are an ERGaR member contact Valentin Calfa, Communication and Policy Officer - valentin.calfa@ergar...

    Posted: 20 February, 2024

  • January 2024 Market Update

    Our January 2024 Market Update is now available (you can download the PDF file below).Update 22/04/2024: updated PDF to v1.1. Page 5: corrected year on latest data for Q4 - should have read 2023, not 2024...

    Posted: 20 February, 2024

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Founder Partners and Associate Members:
British Gas
Thames Water
Milton Keynes Council
National Grid
CNG Services Ltd