
Certificate Disclaimer

© Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd 2011. 'Green Gas' and the Green Gas logo are trademarks of Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd. All rights reserved.

We rely upon the information provided to us by Scheme Participants to issue RGGOs. We perform checks on this information but cannot (and do not) represent that the information in RGGOs is wholly accurate, complete, or up-to-date. See our Scheme Rules for more details on the responsibilities for providing accurate Production Declarations and the potential for withdrawal of RGGOs.

Only Cancellation Statements produced by the Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd using contracted Registration Databases are valid. You must not copy for an improper purpose, falsify, counterfeit, or tamper with a GGCS Cancellation Statement. It may be an offence to do so, or to knowingly provide a Cancellation Statement which has been interfered with. Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin listed on Cancellation Statements have been allocated to the party named on that statement and are not transferable or for resale.

Founder Partners and Associate Members:
British Gas
Thames Water
Milton Keynes Council
National Grid
CNG Services Ltd