Trader information

Information on GGCS Trader accounts

Trader accounts can have Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs) transferred into them by producers and other traders, can transfer RGGOs to other traders and can retire RGGO’s to end-use consumers, generating Retirement Statements that can be provided to those consumers. Below is a list of companies that operate GGCS Trader accounts. For more information about joining the GGCS and opening a Trader account see here.

Name of Trader Account Account Code
3Degrees Group Inc S0147
ACT Commodities B.V. S0003
AFS Energy B.V. S0014
Air Liquide UK Ltd S0128
Aither Group SA S0094
AitherCO2 S.p.A S0067
Arla Foods Ltd S0116
AstraZeneca UK Ltd S0143
AXÈGAZ Trading & Technologies SAS S0009
Axpo Italia SpA S0058
AXPO UK Ltd S0081
Barrow Shipping Ltd S0001
BioGem Express AG S0122
bmp greengas GmbH S0093
BOS Energy Ltd S0142
BP Gas Marketing Ltd S0029
BrewDog PLC S0089
British Gas Trading Ltd S0036
Brook Green Trading Ltd S0083
Business Power and Gas Ltd S0107
Caely Renewables B.V. S0117
Captured Carbon Ltd S0096
Carbon Zero Markets Ltd S0080
Centrica Energy Trading A/S S0033
Ceres Energy Ltd S0002
CFP Trading Ltd S0123
Corona Energy Retail 4 Ltd S0011
Crown Gas and Power Ltd S0043
Cryogenic Container Solutions BV S0097
Danske Commodities A/S S0085
Dare Sustainable Solutions Limited S0144
E.ON UK Energy Markets Ltd S0006
Ecotricity Ltd S0024
EDF Trading Ltd S0054
Electroroute Energy Trading Ltd S0140
Energi Danmark S0072
ENGIE Gas Ltd S0008
Entel Consulting Group Ltd t/a Optimised Energy S0103
EOS Climate and Energy Ltd S0150
Essent Sales Portfolio Management B.V. S0004
EuroSite Power Ltd S0098
Firmus Energy (Supply) Ltd S0118
Flogas Enterprise Solutions Ltd S0071
Gasum AS S0079
GGN Energy Ltd S0099
GO2-markets GmbH S0022
Good Energy Gas Ltd S0018
Green Energy (UK) Plc S0019
Green Steps GmbH S0134
Greenville Energy Ltd S0136
Grissan Carrick Ltd S0055
Highland Distillers Ltd (Glenrothes Distillery) S0113
Holborn Trading Ltd S0088
Holt Global Group International AG S0126
INPEX Corporation S0101
Inspired Energy Solutions Ltd S0052
Karbone Ltd S0145
Kinect Energy Green Services AS S0090
Landwärme GmbH S0044
LG Energy Group Ltd S0149
Little Oak Energy Ltd S0053
LLB Capital Limited S0153
Macquarie Bank Ltd S0121
MAG Airport Ltd S0148
Marex Trading International Ltd S0119
Mercuria Energy Trading SA S0102
MFT Energy A/S S0092
Nature Energy Green Gas Sales A/S S0127
Nvalue AG S0057
Olleco S0031
Opus Energy Ltd S0051
OrangeGas BV S0038
Orsted Salg and Service A/S S0075
OTC Flow B.V. S0115
OVO Energy Ltd S0042
PACT Capital AG S0124
Pavilion Energy Spain S.A.U. S0086
Redshaw Advisors Ltd S0111
Regent Gas Ltd S0028
Renera Trading AG S0077
Renewable Transport Fuel Services Ltd S0056
Respect Energy Environmental Commodities S0138
Respect Energy S.A. S0139
RWE Supply & Trading GmbH S0087
SCB & Associates Ltd S0059
ScottishPower Energy Retail Ltd S0082
SEFE Energy Ltd S0021
SEFE Marketing and Trading Ltd S0131
Severn Trent Green Power Ltd S0074
Severn Trent Water Ltd S0073
Shell Energy Europe Ltd S0045
Shell Energy UK Ltd S0023
Shell Trading International Ltd S0047
SmartestEnergy Ltd S0039
South Pole Group S0034
SSE Energy Supply Ltd S0035
Statkraft Markets GmbH S0141
STX Commodities B.V. S0007
Thames Water Utilities Ltd S0112
The Macallan Distillers Ltd (Macallan Distillery) S0114
Titan Supply B.V. S0100
TotalEnergies Gas and Power Ltd S0020
TotalEnergies Gas and Power Ltd (Geneva Office) S0108
United Gas & Power Ltd S0154
VARO Energy Marketing AG S0146
Vattenfall Energy Trading GmbH S0133
Vitol SA S0104
Wessex Water Enterprises Ltd S0025
Yelspa Ltd S0013
Founder Partners and Associate Members:
British Gas
Thames Water
Milton Keynes Council
National Grid
CNG Services Ltd