CNG Fuels recently announced the launch of renewable biomethane fuel, the most cost-effective and lowest-carbon alternative to diesel for heavy goods vehicles, which offers fleet operators the opportunity to slash emissions...
Posted: 5 December, 2016
Department for Transport releases consultation on the UK’s Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation Use of green gas set to increase as “biomethane,” a renewable gas derived from food and other organic wastes, is to be used as a transport fuel Biomethane included in sub-target f...
Posted: 29 November, 2016
On 14 July Labour launched The Green Gas Book at the Houses of Parliment. Below is the accompanying txt from Alan Whitehead's blog with a link to view a cop of the report. You can find. To visit Alan Whitehead's blog please click here...
Posted: 25 July, 2016
A new survey conducted for Biomethane Day 2016, has shown that 84% of people in the UK would like to switch to using green gas in their homes...
Posted: 11 April, 2016
CNG Fuels, in partnership with National Grid, has unveiled a new state-of-the-art filling station in Leyland, Lancashire today, allowing vehicles to fill up on compressed natural gas (CNG), directly from the high-pressure local transmission system...
Posted: 10 March, 2016
Biomethane Half Century as UK sees highest level of BtG growth in the World. CNG Services has worked on 90% of the UK’s 50 biomethane to grid connections, with 23 new Biomethane plants connected in 201 The UK has seen a further 23 biomethane to grid (“BtG”) connections in 2015...
Posted: 11 February, 2016
Booking for UK Biomethane Day 2016 is now open! UK Biomethane day is the annual event for the biomethane sector in the UK. Over 300 delegates involved in the biomethane sector will be attending with a conference programme that will cover all sectors of the biomethane industry...
Posted: 28 January, 2016